
Lessons From The Farming Parables Of Yeshua

  Lessons from the Farming Parables of Yeshua July 14, 2022 Uncategorized The items used in the parables of Yeshua/Jesus make a consistent point. The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence (endures struggle and trials) and violent men take it by force (men who are acquainted with struggle and who have endured trial bring it to earth by pushing through struggle and trial). The Scriptures tell us that before every harvest is complete there is a separation, as we see in the agricultural practices that produces Olive Oil for anointing, wine for marriage covenants, and bread from wheat and barley. These were produced by very violent means, sweating, muscle aching, often dangerous, dirty, unpleasant means. The harvest wasn’t gathered into a checking account, it would be gathered into heaven. Those who planted earthly seeds (money) would gather an earthly harvest (more money), thus missing the reward in heaven. Every seed reproduces after its kind, if you plant money, don’t expect much m...

Living Water At The Feast Of Nations

  Drinking Living Water at the Feast of Nations July 14, 2022 Uncategorized Drinking Living Water At the Feast of Nations Shouting Hosanna!This is a short explanation of the occurrences in Jerusalem when Jesus/Yahshua said “Come to me, and drink of the living water” at the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Called the “Lord’s Day”), which was an invitation for ALL NATIONS to take part of the Wedding Feast of the Husband and Bride under the Tabernacle/Chuppah. John 7:37: On the last day of the feast, the great day (of the Lord), Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.The following is an excerpt from “The Torah Blessing” by Larry Huch p6 182-184Feast of Nations Sukkot (Tabernacles) is also called the “Feast of Nations”. On this day, G-d asked the Israelites to sacrifice seventy bulls (like the 70 languages/thunders the commandments were said to be given in under the cloud/chuppah/Sukkah at Sinai). That may seem strange in today’s world,...

What Have We Become? (With No Mirrors)

  What have we become? With No Mirrors? July 14, 2022 Uncategorized We cannot shame a child for being afraid of the dark, but how sad it is that a grown man is afraid of the light” Plato One Of the basic questions in life is this: “When we don’t like what we see in the mirror, when it makes it clear that we don’t meet the standard, what do we do about it?What do we do when the standard was put in written form for us? When someone was sent to physically show us how to do it perfectly and that it can be done? When we have been given a private line of communication to get instruction on how to meet the standard in every individual situation in life? 1. Do we accuse the mirror of purposefully making us look bad? The standard in itself is bad, meant to harm us or bring us shame, so trying to fix the faults the mirror revealed is a burden no one can bear. 2. Do we tell everyone that the mirror is flawed and inaccurate? The mirror is essentially lacking and therefore we shouldn’t att...

The Head It Knows-But The Hearts Knows Better

  The Heads Knows But the Hearts Knows Better June 21, 2022 Uncategorized The Head Knows but the Heart Know Better Knowledge is Power but Knowledge is Also Danger Have you ever had a Head Filling Experience that left your Heart Empty? Have you ever had a Heart Filling Experience that left your Head Spinning? While relying on  Gnosis  (Knowldedge) alone can leave you cold and empty, relying on  Yadah  (Experiental Knowledge) alone can leave you dazed and confused, but with the warm fuzzies to go along with it. Yadah  alone can be more dangerous because you don’t realize anything is wrong, you think that the experience is all you need and all there is. While with  Gnosis , you are always aware that it is lacking. I have seen this in many charismatic churches, a mass hysteria of sorts in which whatever someone claimed to see was accepted without question, falling in the floor or jumping up and down made you more spiritual than someone else, the voice...

Following The Trail: Of The Creature? Or The Creator?

  Follow The Creature OR The Creator? June 21, 2022 Uncategorized What would you be doing right now if you finally got tired of waiting on man’s approval to follow the Father’s directions? The problem with this question is that it leads to more questions that many in your life want left unasked and unanswered. Would you pursue that calling without the degree someone says you need? Would you begin that ministry without a seminary’s indoctrination? Would you write that book without a PhD’s permission? Make that trip without waiting on your boss to approve a sabbatical? Would you heal yourself and your family with the cures the Father put in nature instead of living in terror of not being able to see the almighty doctor? Would you take that stand on scripture even if momma and the preacher said “leave this to the religious professionals?” Highly suggested reading. “Wild at Heart”, “Captivating” and “Journey of Desire” by John Eldredge “No More Christ...